Monday, September 27, 2010

Blog - Miss.Adventure@Home

I have been following this blog for awhile.  In this case, my interest in it is personal - the author of this blog is the sister of one of my closest friends.  I also follow it because I enjoy the content.  It is a food blog that deals with food that I like and restaurants that I may actually go to.  The author lives in Hamilton so a lot of the featured restaurants are out of reach for me.  However, she does come from Montreal originally so when she is home for a visit some Montreal establishments get written-up.  In some cases, I have actually been to the restaurant with her.  Unlike the other blog I follow, this one only has 27 followers and only generates a couple of comments per post.  I am also drawn to it because of the pictures that go along with the write-ups, it brings the food alive for me.

The interesting this with this blog is how I find myself feeling about how often there is a new post.  I find that the author goes in spurts.  Sometimes there is no new post for quite awhile and other times there are many in the span of a few days.  I find myself irritated if it goes to long with no new post, I guess I am impatient.  On the other hand, if there are a bunch of new posts in a short period of time I am equally irritated but for other reasons.  When there are too many posts in a short period of time I feel overwhelmed and don't take the time to read through them carefully.  There is no winning with me!


  1. Thank you for the tip - it's a great blog. Very helpful on this Saterday morning to plan what we will have for dinner.
    About you reflexion on the number of post, I'm wondering if their is a magic number. One per day ?

  2. I am not sure about a magic number. Perhaps a magic pattern? If I knew to expect a new post every "X" days maybe I would be satisfied?

  3. I have to say I feel the same way! I used to follow phd comics and those were generally updated twice a week at a predictable time. It was so much more satisfying.

    Also what I find engaging about some blogs is when the author responds to comments. Blogs where no discussion results from comments eventually lead to my boredom.
